Hints to Help Avoid And Recognize Scams and Fraud
-Try to deal with people that you can meet in person. This step alone will greatly
reduce your chances of being the victim of a scam or fraud.
-Do not accept payment for more than your asking price - with or without the option
to send the remainder back to the buyer.
-Don't assume a cashier’s check is valid just because it looks legitimate.
Banks will cash them but if a fake is found the bank will hold you responsible.
-Beware of people claiming to be agents or representatives for others.
-Never give out personal or financial information about yourself.
-Avoid dealing with people that have prearranged shipping companies or escrow services.
-Watch out for people saying they will guarantee your transaction.
-Inquiries from people far away, often in another country without the ability to meet in
person or if they are unwilling to meet, or from individuals with broken English or little
knowledge of proper spelling and grammar, are often scams or fraud attempts.
-If the deal appears too good to be true, it often is.
-Seller offers to ship the item for partial payment first.
-Above all, please use common sense.
-It’s a good idea to always verify the party you are dealing with through other
means to be sure of their legitimacy.
Who to notify about a fraud or scam attempt:
1) Attorney General's office
2) Internet provider indicated in the individual's email address
3) Federal Trade Commission (FTC) hotline: 877-382-4357
4) FTC online complaint form
5) The Internet Fraud Complaint Center
6) Contact Uncle Henry's with the original email address from the buyer or seller involved.