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  1. Category: Real Estate: Mobile Homes
  2. For Sale
  3. Price: $92,000.00 OBRO
  4. Location: Freeport, ME

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Mobile home, must be moved 1987 single wide 14 X 70 great shape, many updates, need bigger home. Two bedrooms, one and a half bath, laundry room, living room & kitchen. New water lines, furnace, heat pump and under house insulation, skirting, doors & lights. Inside re-painted, new bathroom vents, fan, lights & carpet. Bright living room and kitchen feel big. Laundry room has cupboard storage. Big master bedroom. Lg full bath, walk in closet. Master bath tub/shower lots of storage. Second bedroom good size. Double closet w/built-in storage. Appliances negotiable.

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