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  1. Category: Bicycles
  2. For Sale
  3. Price: $0.00
  4. Location: Saint Albans, ME
  5. Phone: 707-951-8547

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This is a 52v top of the line e- bike/motorcycle front shocks rear back shocks by rock Shox. Hydraulic brakes, classified class 2 E bike, wi/factory settings, removed bike does between 35 and 40 miles an hour with a range of 30-50 miles with full throttle/pedal assist. No registration no insurance has a front and back light also. This is a fat tire knobby tire bike usable in snow if you so desire. Used it a few times. Great commuter bike almost new. has 10 Shimano biking gears for e-backup fast charge I’ll throw in a storage basket and a secure lock. Retails for $ 2399 take $1700 obo.

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