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  1. Category: Motor Homes & Campers
  2. For Sale
  3. Price: $0.00
  4. Location: Farmington, ME
  5. Phone: 207-778-3482
  6. Phone: 888-301-3400
  8. Company: Good Times Unlimited

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Not winterized yet? It may be too late. Call to make your winterization appointment today and other end of season service needs like patio & slide out awning repair & replacement, appliance maintenance/repair, replacement (water heater, furnace, fridge, a/c) inspection & replacement of bearings/seals/brakes, inspection/maintenance of roof & exterior sealants, plumbing systems repair & replacement (water pump, water lines, fixtures, toilets) propane system leak test, installation of aftermarket accessories, etc. Limited MH service. Open by appt M-F 8am to 3pm

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Farmington, ME